Have you ever thought about producing your own range which is personal to you and your business, your building or local landmark? Or you even have that one idea you'd love to sell in your shop but can't it anywhere? Then look no further.
Sian has worked with some large companies across the world to create bespoke, original and hand finished products and she can do the same for you!! With her skills as an illustrator and our manufacturing capabilities in our unit in Crynant we are able to offer you an inclusive and unique design experience.
From cards and prints, to bags, aprons and even keyrings and pin badges, there is no end to what we can supply you. And it's a one stop shop. No need to deal with lots of suppliers, just deal with us and reorder time and time again.
To get the ball rolling today, please click the link below and we will send you a Pdf detailing our full range with trade prices, RRPs and MOQs. Please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.